Interested in W-L Crew?
Come down to our boathouse and try things out. The coaches will teach you everything you need to know, get you out on the water, and answer any questions you may have. Parents are encouraged to stop by and meet fellow parents who are available to answer questions.
Be Part of a Fun and Winning Team
Teamwork is critical in this sport. Our boys and girls train, compete, and win together. Be part of something bigger than yourself! Five W-L boats won medals at States last year!
No Experience Needed
You can race competitively this year! Last year, we had more than 45 new athletes on the team. All of them raced in the spring, and 27 of them won medals at States!
Come to Green Days to Learn More and Give Rowing a Try!
10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., September 14, October 5, and October 12
Complete this interest form to learn more and receive additional information.
To Row on the Water at Green Days, You Must Pass a Swim Test.
Swim tests will be held at the W-L pool right before the Green Days; swim test information will be emailed.
Green Days are held at our boathouse, Potomac Boat Club, which is located at 3530 Water Street, Washington DC 20007.