Due to the school closing, the W-L Crew program is suspended until the school reopens which is currently scheduled for April 14. We are hopeful the team will be able to resume rowing and we will be able to salvage some part of the season, but we will just have to see how this all plays out.

We are disappointed to see the program suspended after the kids have put in so much hard work and with the boats coming together. Hopefully, the kids understand the sacrifice they are making is for the greater good of their community.

The coaches will be prescribing workouts for the rowers do to at home: erg pieces for those who have them and a mix of body weight and cardio workouts for those who don’t. It is by no means mandatory, but staying healthy and fit is a great way to manage the stress and anxiety that comes with times like these.

We will be in touch prior to the end of spring break if there are updates coming out of the school system.

Stay safe and be well.