Champion Boats

1949 – Cinderella Crews

  • 1949 V8 –  Lost 1st race and won all other(stroke) NOVAS, Stotesbury and National Champions : (bow). Kado Beacham, (2) Bill Hoffman, (3) Mike Miller, (4) Foster Smith, (5) Bruce Bauer (Capt.), (6) Paul Yeager, (7) Roger Scott, (stroke) Pete Sparhawk, (cox). Dick McCombs, Mgr. Keith Grest
  • 1949 JV8 –  Stotesbury- 3rd, but disqualified for going through the wrong arch. : (bow) Jud Mathias, (2) Ted Ascherfield, (3) Milton Irvin, (4) Lynn George, (5) Wes Dalby, (6) George Swenson, (7) John Barton, (stroke) Buddy Virts, (cox) Bernard Morse


  • 1950 V8 – Stotes – 1st Nationals- 1st : (bow)Decater Beacham, (2)Dave Scofield, (3)Wes Dalby, (4)Foster Smith, (5)Milton Irving, (6)Paul Yeager, (7)Roger Scott, (stroke)Pete Sparharwk, (cox)Dick McCombs
  • 1950 JV2X – Stotes- 1st
  • 1951 V8 –  Stotes – 2nd, Nationals- 3rd
  • 1951 JV8 – Stotes-1st as 2V, 2nd as Jv, Nationals-2nd : (bow)Stan Algiers, (2)Dave Nottingham, (3)Gene Thompson, (4)Ken Brown, (5)Dave Peckens, (6)Dick Collner, (7)Irwin Mondscien, (stroke)John Neate, (cox)Roger Ramm
  • 1951 V4 –  Stotes-2nd
  • 1951 V2X –  Stotesbury-2nd, Nationals- 2nd : (bow)Ed Cox, (stroke)R. Quackenbush
  • 1951 JV2X – Stotes-1st, Nationals-2nd : (bow)Bob Day, (stroke)Charlie Sitkin
  • 1952 V8 – Stotes-2nd : (bow)Jack Lethco, (2)Dave Nottingham, (3)Stan Algeir, (4)Ed Zveare, (5)Dave Peckens, (6)Art Geiger, (7)Irwin Mondshein, (stroke)Dave Sidle, (cox)Roger Ram
  • 1952 JV8 – Stotes-2nd , Nationals-2nd : (bow) Griffith, (2)Lalor, (3) Schofield, (4)Quill, (5)Thompson, (6)Fish, (7)Thater, (stroke)Sidle, (cox)Walters
  • 1952 V4 – Stotes-2nd , Nationals-2nd : (bow)Russ Wagganeck, (2)John Neate, (3)Charlie Sitkin, (stroke)Dwight Burgess, (cox)Dick Farnum
  • 1952 Jv4 – Stotes-2nd , Nationals-3rd : (bow)Delmar Springer, (2)Bob Day, (3)Ronald Kintisch, (stroke)Stan Baldwin
  • 1952 V2X – Stotes-1st , Nationals-1st : (bow)Edward Cox, (stroke)Kenneth Brown
  • 1953 V8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow)John Griffith, (2)Jim Quill, (3)Al Rayfield, (4)Art Potter, (5)Dan Reitz, (6)John Fish, (7)Ray Clements, (stroke)Dave Sidle, (cox)Bucky Walter
  • 1953 JV8 Stotes-1st , Nationals-2nd : (bow)Viggo Bertelsen, (2)Goddie Taylor, (3)Wlliard Urban, (4)Sennis Sloan, (5)John Scofield, (6)Tom Jones, (7)Delmar Springer, (stroke)Bob Dodge, (cox)Bill McNamara
  • 1953 3v8 – Stotes-3rd : (bow)J. Burgess, (2)Larry Davies, (3)Larry Parks, (4)Bill Parsons, (5)Paul Beacham, (6)Ed Zveare, (7)Rod Caldwell, (stroke)Jim Todd, (cox)Sandy Karb
  • 1953 V4 – Stotes-1st , Nationals-2nd : (bow)Tom Thayer, (2)Paul Quintis, (3)Jack Lethco, (stroke)Dwight Burgess, (cox)Bob Ayers
  • 1953 JV4 – Stotes-3rd : (bow)Welborn, (2)Wiseman, (3)Custaro, (stroke)Cresham, (cox)Child
  • 1953 V2X(A) – Stotes-2nd , Nationals-as Jv2x 2nd : (bow)Sonny Belber, (stroke)Dick Farman
  • 1953 V2X(B) – Stotes-DQ wrong arch, Nationals-2nd : (bow)Tom Jones, (stroke)Grady Gothard
  • 1954 V8 – Stotes-1st , Nationals-2nd
  • 1954 JV8 – Stotes-1st , Nationals-2nd : (bow)Dave Leffler, (2)Basil Lennahan, (3)Ed Greshman, (4)Bob Jones, (5)Jeff Manak, (6)Jim Todd, (7)Marion Custard, (stroke)Bob Dodge, (cox)Sandy Karb
  • 1954 3V – Stotes-2nd : (bow)Bob Burns, (2)Jack Bauer, (3)John Peyton, (4)Fred Ridgeway, (5)Bob Gibson, (6)Bob Goff, (7)Al Simon, (stroke)Gil Kingsbury, (cox)Rick Greenwood
  • 1954 V4 – Stotes-1st
  • 1954 V4X – Stotes-1st , Nationals-1st : (bow)Paul Perlstein, (2)John Blamphin, (3)Ray Wiseman, (stroke)Pat Mernane
  • 1954 JV4 – Stotes-2nd : (bow)Fred Abel, (2)Jack Ridson, (3)Jim Gibson, (stroke)Dave Byron, (cox)Mike Carpenter
  • 1954 V2X – Stotes-3rd : (bow)Winnie Sides, (stroke)Dick Burgess
  • 1954 V4 – Stotes-1st
  • 1954 V4X – Stotes-1st
  • 1955 V8 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-2nd : (bow)John Blamphin, (2)Bob Humphries, (3)Dave Leffler, (4)Dennis Parks, (5)Ron Mcleod, (6)Tom Hyde, (7)John Peyton, (stroke)Basil Lennahan, (cox)Rick Greenwood.
  • 1956 V2X – Stotes-2ndNationals-1st : (bow)Bob Byrnes, (Stroke)Bob McMillian
  • 1957 V8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow)Bill Howard (co-capt.) (2)Neil Oliver (co-capt.) (3)Tom Sullivan, (4)Dave Mitchell, (5)Lance Parker, (6)Reese James, (7)Bob Mcmillian, (stroke)Pete Kresky, (cox)Lee Butler
  • 1957 JV8 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-1st : (bow)Warren Hottle, (2)Ken Updegrove, (3)Kirk Evans, (4)Steve Emery, (5)Burt Thurber, (6)Bill Kincaid, (7)Bill Hardy, (stroke)Harvey Montgomery, (cox)Wiley Russell
  • 1957 3V – Stotes-2nd : (bow)J. Dougherty, (2)J. Blamphin, (3)R. Caviola, (4)W. Guy, (5)Rhodes, (6)W. Halstead, (7)M. Zoeckler, (stroke)W. Neff, (cox)R. Dembroski
  • 1957 4V – Stotes-1st : (bow)Frank Benson, (2)R. Beachley, (3)T. Hayden, (4) (bow)Breitsweiser, (5)B. Bromiley, (6)L. Heisig, (7)J. Browning, (stroke)S. Smart, (cox)M. Hanely
  • 1957 V4 – Stotes-1st : (bow)Hap Joy, (2)Tony Johnson, (3)Tom Jones, (stroke)Alex Sullivan, (cox)Hobart Means
  • 1957 V4X – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-2nd : (bow)Bill Engeman, (2)Jon Merkel, (3)Reed Whitten, (stroke)Bruce Maghan
  • 1958 V8 – Undefeated season- NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : 1st W-L trip to Henely & 1st public high school to compete. : (bow)Bert Thurber, (2)Robert Caviola, (3)Frank Benson, (4)Steve Emery, (5)Peter Peterson, (6)Tony Johnson, (7)Kirk Evans, (stroke)Harvey Montgomery, (cox)Mike Hanley
  • 1958 2V – NOVAS-1st, Stotes- 2nd, Nationals-1st : (bow)Jim Lynch, (2)Tim Rose, (3)Charlie Minser, (4)Alden Guy, (5)Owen O’Donnell, (6)Steve Clineberg, (7)Jim Dougherty, (stroke)Jim Neff, (cox)Bob Ward
  • 1958 3V – Stotes- 1st
  • 1958 V2X – Nationals- 3rd
  • 1959 V8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st, setting course record : (bow)Bill Parker, (2)Frank Benson, (3)Jim Lynch, (4)Larry Heisig, (5)Charlie Minter, (6)Jim Blamphin, (7)Pete Peterson, (stroke)Ken Anderson, (cox)Dick Omohundro
  • 1959 JV8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow)Zurab Kobiasshvili, (2)Jan Nieuwdorp, (3)Drew Walker, (4)Don Wiseman, (5)Owen O’Donnell, (6)Steve Clineberg, (7)Coy Powell, (stroke)George Whitely, (cox)Chuck Veatch
  • 1959 3V – Stotes-1st : (bow)Wayne Allgaier, (2)Bob Wiley, (3)Walter, Splaus, (4)Gene Magarity, (5)Bill Hamilton, (6)Jamie Booth, (7)Mort Deibert, (stroke)Neil Shart, (cox)Jack Cooper
  • 1959 V4 – Stotes-1st , Nationals-2nd : (bow)Bill Parker, (2)Paul Weyandt, (3)Dick Day, (stroke)Julian Duncan, (cox)Mike Hanley
  • 1959 V2X – Stotes-2nd , Nationals-1st : (bow)Mike Reynolds, (stroke)Jim Fox


  • 1960 V8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st, Henley trip : (bow) Z. Kobiashulli, (2) G. Whitley, (3) (bow) Parker, (4) J. Ashton, (5) D. Walker, (6) J. Neiuwdorp, (7) Owen O’Donnel, (stroke) Ken Anderson, (cox) Chuck Veatch
  • 1960 JV8 – Nationals-1st
  • 1960 V2X – Stotes-1st
  • 1961 V8 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-1st : (bow) Van Waddell, (2) Jim Rawlings, (3) Bob Mathews, (4) Palmer Weyandt, (5) Brian O’Donnell, (6) Allen Anderson, (7) Wes Cocker, (stroke) Roger Olsen, (cox) Bob, Stoebe
  • 1961 JV8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Tom Engeman, (2) Bob Bedell, (3) Bob Cox, (4) Bailey Wharton, (5) Bob Cocker, (6) Greg Wynn (7) John Jenkins, (stroke) Nelson Janes, (cox) Walt Sonen
  • 1961 3V – Stotes- 2nd
  • 1961 135lb 8 – Nationals (only)-2nd
  • 1961 4V – Stotes-3rd (in 3v race)
  • 1961 V4X – Nationals-2nd
  • 1961 V2X – Stotes-2nd
  • 1962 V8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st, Henley trip : (bow) Nelson James, (2) Allan Anderson, (3) Bob Cocker, (4) Greg Wynn, (5) Brian O’Donnell, (6) John Bagwell, (7) John Jenkins, (stroke) Van Waddell, (cox) Mike Omohundro
  • 1962 Jv8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Al Suto, (2) Russ Carmody, (3) Bill Ingram, (4) Steve Wynn, (5) Vaugn Esper, (6) Jack Darr, (7) Charles Walker, (stroke) Dave Nystrom, (cox) Bert Mount
  • 1962 3V – Stotes- 2nd
  • 1962 JV4 – Stotes- 1st, Nationals- 2nd : (bow) Dave Poers, (2) Carl Anderson, (3) Clayton Day, (stroke) Terry Efird, (cox) Jim Brassfield
  • 1963 V8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st (Set course record, 1st HS crew to do sub 5 minute mile), Nationals-1st (In a tie for 1st with Hammond H.(stroke)) : (bow) Bill Clapp, (2) Bill Ingram, (3) Vaughn Esper, (4) John Bagwell, (5) Bob Cocker, (6) Greg Wynn, (7) Charles Walker, (stroke) Steve Wynn, (cox) Jim Brasfield
  • 1963 JV8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Eric Simmons (Tom Pumpally upt to Stotes), (2) Leon Smith, (3) Howard Harville, (4) Carl Netting, (5) Glenn Dunlop, (6) Russ Carmody, (7) Clayton Day, (stroke) Carl Anderson, (cox) Alan Van Tuyl
  • 1963 3V – Stotes-2nd
  • 1963 V4 – Stotes-1st : (bow) Al Suto, (2) Dave Nystrom, (3) Duke Hill, (stroke) Jack Darr, (cox) Bert Mount
  • 1963 JV4 – Stotes-3rd
  • 1963 V2X – Nationals-2nd
  • 1964 V8 – Stotes-1st (By 3 lengths), Nationals-1st, Henley Royal Regatta-1st (Beating Groton) : (bow) Eric Simmons, (2) Carl Netting, (3) Glen Dunlap, (4) Steve Wynn, (5) Howard Harvill, (6) Russ Carmody, (7) Clayton Day, (stroke) Carl Anderson, (cox) Lance Graham
  • 1964 JV8 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Steve white, (2) Andy Gustafson, (3) Bob Blakestead, (4) Rich Scoales, (5) Tom Hammer, (6) Rick Benson, (7) Mike O’Neill, (stroke) Dwayne Daniels, (cox) J.W. Ray
  • 1964 3V – Stotes-2nd
  • 1964 V4 – Stotes-2nd
  • 1964 JV4 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-3rd
  • 1965 V8 Stotes-1st
  • 1965 LW8 – NOVAS 1st : Charlie Hunsaker(bow), Bob Strunk (2),Dale Reed (3), Phil Bjorlo (4), Tom Addison(5), Chris Mudd (6), Bruce Jolly (7), Jack Delong (stroke),
  • 1965 3V – Stotes-1st , Nationals-3rd : (bow) M. O’Neal, (2) D. Daniel, (3) (bow) Melson (4) R. Spauls, (5) G. Dunlap, (6) R. Benson, (7) T. Hammer, (stroke) E. Simmons, (cox) L Graham
  • 1965 JV8 – Stotes- 1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) D. Gustafison, (2) D. Roseman, (3) R. Hill, (4) E. Kingsman, (5) R. Armstead, (6) (stroke) Plot, (7) T. Thomas, (stroke) T. Arthurs, (cox) J. Dewey
  • 1965 3V – Stotes-1st : (bow) (cox) Bittinger, (2) W. Mahan, (3) R. Strunk, (4) T. Hooten, (5) J. Hendrix, (6) V. Hoge (7) J. Shroder, (stroke) J. Biggard, (cox) R. Jack
  • 1965 V4 – Stotes-1st : (bow) V Bartlett, (2) (cox) Ulsaker, (3) J. Summerville, (stroke) V. DeLong, (cox) R. LeCraw
  • 1965 JV4 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st :
    (bow) F. Belen, (2) F. Rich, (3) N. Zelensky, (stroke) M. Hill, (cox) ?
  • 1965 V4X – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-1st: (bow) Dan Koski, (2) John Wilcox, (3) Rich Dempsey, (stroke) Craig Prescott
  • 1966 V8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st, Henley trip semi-finals : (bow) D.Gustafson, 2 F.Rich, 3 N.Zelinsky, 4 D.Roseman, 5 E.Kingman, 6 (stroke)Plott, 7 R.Armstead, (stroke)T. Arthurs, (cox) J.Dewey
  • 1966 JV8 – NOVAS-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Jeff Bestic, (2) Dave Wynn, (3) Marshall Moist, (4) Mike West, (5) Bruce Beckner, (6) Glenn Nuemann, (stroke) Dave Price, (cox) ?
  • 1966 V4 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-2nd
  • 1966 V4X – Nationals-2nd : Charlie Hunsaker(bow), Wendell Sissler(2), Steve George(3), Phil Bjorlo(Stroke)
  • 1966 2X – Stotes-2nd : Charlie Hunsaker(bow), Phil Bjorlo(stroke)
  • 1967 V8 – Stotes-1st : (bow) Rick Hale, (2) Dave Wynn, (3) Glenn Neumann, (4) Mik West, (5) Bruce Becker, (6) Dave Price, (7) Park Thompson, (stroke) Frank Rich, (cox) Bere Todd
  • 1967 JV8 – Stotes-2nd, Natiopnals-2nd
  • 1967 3V – Stotes-3rd
  • 1968 V4 – NOVAS-1st, Nationals-1st :
    (bow) Chuck Sara, (2) Larry Strunk, (3) Mark Coleson, (stroke) Hudson Berry, (cox) Thor Strong
  • 1969 V8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st, Nationals-3rd, Canadian Schoolboy Championships-1st, Henley-Champion : (bow) Tom Chisnell, (2) Dirk Ringers, (3) Bill Volkart, (4) Chris Gordon, (5) Martin Bittner, (6) Larry Davis, (7) Bill Wilbur, (stroke) Kevin Smith, (cox) Jim Storie
  • 1969 V4 – Stotes-1st


  • 1970 V4+ – Nationals, 1st: (bow) David Smith, (2) John Chisnell, (3) Bill Volkart, (4) Kevin Smith, (cox) Thor Strong
  • 1971 V8 – (bow) Tim Martin, (2) Norman Millar, (3) Bob Garrity, (4) Tom Arthurs, (5) Tom White, (6) Riley Meeks, (7) Bobby Meeks, (stroke) Chris Gordon, (cox) Bob McNeil
  • 1971 V4X – Nationals-1st : (bow) Leon Hartley, (2) Tim Roll, (3) Oscar Laurel, (stroke) Larry Athay
  • 1972 V4X – NOVAS- 1stStotes-1stNationals-1st : (bow) Bob Divine, (2) Tim Thompson, (3) Bill Lemnitzer, (stroke) Bobby Meeks
  • 1972 V2+ – Nationals-1st (1st girl to win gold medal at SchoolBOY Nationals) : (bow) Tim Thompson, (stroke) Tony Baker, (cox) Ellie Cochran
  • 1972 V2 – Stotes-1st : (bow) Larry Athay, (stroke) Bobby Meeks
  • 1973 V2+ – Nationals-1st
  • 1973 V4+ – Stotes-3rd : (bow)Bill Schell, (2)Kevin Wold, (3)Bob Fleming, (stroke)Luke Pallansch, (cox)Ellie Cochran
  • 1974 V4+ – Stotes-2nd > (bow) ? (stroke) Rick Foate
  • 1976 2V – NOVAS-1st
  • 1979 W V8 – NOVAS-1st : (bow) Virginia Foxwell, (2) Elizabeth Quinn, (3) Laura Teschendorf, (4) Marta Acha, (5) Karen Munly, (6) Denise Goss, (7) Barbara Shuman, (stroke) Karen Magee, (cox) Carl Landry


  • 1980 M V8 – Nationals-2nd
  • 1980 W VLwt.8 – Stotes-1st
  • 1982 W VLwt.8 – Stotes- 1st
  • 1983 M V4+ – Nationals- 3rd : (bow) V. Ferrara, (2) John Girard, (3) Eric Dobson, (stroke) Dale Wickenheiser, (cox) D. Flory
  • 1983 M Lwt.4 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-1st : (bow)Brian Duffy, (2)Ian Jones, (3)Karl Keiger, (stroke)Barret Jones, (cox)Soren Carlson
  • 1984 M V8 – NOVAS- 1st
  • 1984 W Lwt.8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st
  • 1985 W Lwt.8 – NOVAS-2nd (by .04 seconds), Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st: (bow) Pam Barsby, (2) Beth Burns, (3) Janine Troutman, (4) Ginnie Crouch, (5) Kristen Parsons, (6) Kate Martin, (7) Meg Proctor, (stroke) Ellen Baker, (cox) Christie Kalmin
  • 1986 M Lwt.8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-3rd : (bow) Chris Wells, (2) Charlie Fox, (3) Derek Parsons, (4) Barry Hall, (5) Chris Elster, (6) Alex Bowers, (7) Charlie Day, (stroke) Eric Gaaserud, (cox) Apollo Nguyen
  • 1986 W Lwt.8 – Undefeated. All-Met team. NOVAS-1st Stotes-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Ann Catoe, (2) Pam Barsby, (3) Ginny Crouch, (4) Janine Troutman, (5) Alex Harned, (6) Kate Martin, (7) Meg Proctor, (stroke) Ellen Baker, (cox) Kalmin
  • 1986 V4 – Nationals (only)-2nd : (bow) Barry Hall, (2) John Vickery, (3) Doug Dillion, (stroke) Steve Montgomery
  • 1986 V4X+ – Nationals (only)-2nd :
    (bow) Brad Ellsworth, (2) Bruce Horne, (3) Carrie Scardina, (stroke) Roman Fish, (cox) Peter Dominic
  • 1987 M V8 – NOVAS-1st : (bow) Cary Scardina, (2) David Holland, (3) Jimmy Schoeffer, (4) Mike Million, (5) Bruce Horn, (6) Doug Dillion, (7) Roman Fish, (stroke) John Vickery, (cox) Peter Dominick
  • 1987 W Lwt.8 – Stotes-3rd : (bow) K. Mangis, (2) Kirsten Henninger, (3) Dianne Rekstad, (4) Maggie Foster, (5) Alex Harned, (6) Helen Gulick, (7) Bessie Kolokousis, (stroke) Ellen Baker, (cox) Christy Kalmin
  • 1987 W Jv8 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-1st : (bow) Gwen Lawrence, (2) Fabiana Clarke, (3) Jennifer Shank, (4) Amy Catoe, (5) Madeleine Courbois (6) Kathleen Pons, (7) Alyson Sweeny, (stroke) Alexandra Ristau, (cox) Alice Hogan
  • 1987 M Freshmen 8 – NOVAS-1st : (bow) Brian Burns, (2) Chris Dailey, (3) Rick Schall, (4) Patrick Breagy, (5) Chris Gilroy, (6) Jai Mitchell, (7) Chris Velo, (stroke) Rick Hardy, (cox) Jeff Lucier
  • 1987 M Lwt.4 – Occoquan Sprints-1st, NOVAS-1st, Nationals-1st : (bow) Eric Edmonds, (2) Steve Robinson, (3) Doug Miller, (stroke) Alex Lyman, (cox) George Kirschbaum
  • 1987 V2+ – Nationals-2nd : (bow)Mitch Hammond, (stroke)Chuck Sweat, (cox)Davis Colwell
  • 1988 W Lwt.8 – Stotes-3rd, Nationals-2nd : (bow) A Deaton, (2) (cox) Coulat, (3) K. Coughlin, (4) Shauna Vick, (5) Jennifer Elster, (6) Caroline Pons, (7) Bessie Kolokousis, (stroke) Kirsten Henninger, (cox) Heather Lilly
  • 1988 W JV8 – Nationals-2nd :
    (bow) Nicole Droitch, (2) Mona Bowers, (3) Melanie Sigros, (4) Karen Fisher, (5) Amanda Robinson, (6) Michelle Geiger, (7) Amanda DePreist, (stroke) Jennifer Shank, (cox) Myra Graves
  • 1988 W Frosh 8 – NOVAS- 1st
  • 1988 M V4 – Stotes-1st, Nationals-2nd, Henley Trip : (bow) Mike Million, (2) Taylor Holland, (3) Doug Miller, (stroke) Steve Robinson
  • 1988 M Lwt.4 – Stotes-2nd, Nationals-3rd : (bow)Eric Edmonds, (2) Chris Velo, (3) Rick Hardy, (stroke) Alex Lyman, (cox) Davis Colwell
  • 1989 M V8 – NOVAS-1st, Stotes-2nd, Nationals-1st, Henley trip : (bow) Rob May, (2) Patrick Mathias, (3) Chris Gilroy, (4)Rob Pilot, (5) Bojan Jeromic, (6) Mike Million, (7) Doug Miller, (stroke) Steve Robinson, (cox) Justin McCrary (Seth Merrit rowed in place of Bojan Jeromic at Henley. Patrick Breagy and Mike Signer were alternates) – Washington Post All-Met Crew
  • 1989 W V8 – NOVAS-1st, Nationals-3nd : (bow) Shauna Vick, (2) Amy Catoe, (3) Jennifer Shank, (4) Julianna Sparkman, (5) Gwynn Lawrence, (6) Kathleen Pons, (7) Caroline Pons, (stroke) Gillian Adams, (cox) Souris Hong – Washington Post All-Met Crew
  • 1989 M VLwt.8 – Nationals-2nd
    (bow) Alex Lyman, (2) Ellis Malave, (3) Seth Merrit, (4)Adam Cummins, (5) Brian Burns, (6) Rick Hardy, (7) Chris Velo, (stroke) Jai Mitchell, (cox) Jeff Lucier
  • 1989 W VLtw.8 – NOVAS- 1st, Stotes- 3rd, Nationals- 3rd
    (bow) Lisa Eichers, (2) Eva Bullington, (3) Zoe Rogg, (4) Megan Finn, (5) Laura Smith, (6) Brenda Vale, (7) Jennifer Elster, (stroke) Kirsten Henninger, (cox) Julie Herring
  • 1989 W JV8 – NOVAS- 1st
    (bow) Su Pei Jou, (2) Morgan Courbois, (3) Maura Shyne, (4) Constantina Boudavarous, (5) Mona Bowers, (6) Karen Fisher, (7) Michelle Geiger, (stroke) Nicole Droitch, (cox) Kelley Munly
  • 1989 M Frosh 8 – NOVAS- 1st

1990 – 1999

  • 1990 M Lwt8 – NOVAS- team did not participate, Stotes- 1st, Nationals- 2nd
    (bow) Steve Wells, (2) Hank Proctor, (3) Rick Schall, (4) Rick Hardy, (5) Brian Burns, (6) Adam Cummins, (7) Chris Velo, (stroke) Jai Mitchell, (cox) Jeff Lucier
  • 1990 M V8– NOVAS- team did not participate, Stotes-, Nationals- 2nd
  • 1991 W Lwt8 – Stotes- 3rd, Nationals- 3rd (bow) Laura Smith, (2) Carlyn Vick, (3) Lisa Eichers, (4) Mary Strawn, (5) Angie ?, (6) Michelle Knight, (7) Anne Snouck-Hurgronje, (stroke) Mana Shukla, (cox) Hani Hong
  • 1992 W Lwt8 – Stotes- 3rd, Nationals- 3rd (bow) Amy Erk, (2) Lynn McHugh, (3) Becky Franklin, (4) Gretchen Trygstad, (5) Janet Glover, (6) Nicole Williams, (7) Leslie Earle, (stroke) Mana Shukla, (cox) Marlene Bracamontes.
  • 1993 W Lwt4 – NOVAS- 1st(bow) Tara Skidmore, (2) Lynn McHugh, (3) Amy Erck, (stroke) Leslie Early, (cox) Sara Harrick
  • 1995 W Lwt4 – NOVAS- 1st (bow)?, (2)Claudia Rente, (3)Sara Riggs, (stroke)Jordan Uffen (cox) Ann Tonakarn


  • 2000 W Lwt8 – Nationals-3rd(bow) Sarah Montague, (2) Becky Allen, (3) Chrissy Ambrose, (4) Carol Sabatino, (5) Lauren Cruickshank, (6) Alayna Tetreault-Rooney, (7) Haifa Almabeck, (stroke) Jessica Amasan, (cox) Ellen Fisher
  • 2000 W Frosh8 – NOVAS-2nd(bow) Carolyn Forte, (2) Kaitlyn Coray, (3) Cameron Long, (4) Sara Swetzoff, (5) Melissa Kutner, (6) Emeline Planche, (7) Caitlin Howarth, (stroke) Brigid Leahy, (cox) Laura Gill
  • 2002 W Lwt8 – VSRC-3rd National Capitol Area Scholastic Rowing Association Championships-3rd(bow)Marya Johnston-McIntosh, (2)Katarina Mijich, (3)Meaghan Kellogg, (4)Sarah Montague, (5)Angela Jackson, (6)Bridgid Leahy, (7)Megan Mahony, (stroke)Mary Eddy, (cox)Diane Rickey/Laura Gill (NCSRA Champ.)
  • 2003 M Lwt8 – VSRC-1st (bow)John Denton, (2)Will Moriarity, (3)Cepand Alizadeh, (4)Ben Carten, (5) , (6)Ian Phillips, (7)Jay Landrum, (stroke)Doug Kane, (cox)Cyrus Edjlali
  • 2004 M Jr4 – Stotes-3rd (bow) Baker Pruiskma, (2) Scott Herring, (3) Morgan Pankow, (stroke) Ryan Payne, (cox) Jessica Ward
  • 2004 M Lwt8 – VSRC-1st Stotes-1st (bow)Cepand Alizadeh, (2)Pierre Saddi, (3)John Denton, (4)Patrick O’Connor, (5)Tyler Buxton, (6)Doug Kane, (7)Martin Eiermann, (stroke)Ian Phillips, (cox)Landon Stanford
  • 2004 MV8 – VSRC-2nd : (bow)Morgan Pankow, (2)Ryan Payne, (3)Baker Pruiskma, (4)Scott Herring, (5)Neil Stanga, (6)Matt Essig, (7)Luke Beckman, (stroke)Garrett Buxton, (cox)Jessica Ward
  • 2004 WV8 – VSRC-3rd
  • 2005 M Lw8 – VSRC-1st Stotes- 2nd Nationals-1st (bow)Cepand Alizadeh, (2)Pierre Saddi, (3)Patrick O’Connor, (4)Cole Hershkowitz, (5)John Denton, (6)Doug Kane, (7)Tyler Buxton, (stroke)Ian Phillips, (cox)Landon Stanford
  • 2005 MV8 – VSRC-2nd Stotes- 5th(bow)Baker Pruiskma, (2) Scott Herring , (3) Morgan Pankow, (4) Matt Essig, (5) Neil Stanga, (6) Todd Gerarden, (7) Luke Beckman, 8. Ryan Payne, (cox) Fernando Castilo
  • 2006 MV8 – VSRC-2nd (bow)Pierre Saddi, (2)Zach Allen, (3)Chris Runevald, (4)Nick Birasa, (5)Patrick O’Connor, (6)Scott Herring, (7)Tyler Buxton, (storke)Ryan Payne, (cox)Landon Stanford
  • 2006 WV8 – VSRC-2nd
  • 2006 W2nd8 – VSRC-2nd
  • 2007 MV8 – VSRC-3rd (bow)Daniel Abecia, (2)Vito Allgeier-Lipp, (3)Nick Penaranda, (4)AJ Goodman, (5)Andrew Gilbert, (6)Nick Birasa, (7)David Kahan, (stroke)Zach Allen, (cox)Grace Chang
  • 2007 MLwt4 – VSRC-3rd (bow)Luke Vinson, (2)Jorge Gomez-Pedraza, (3)Mike Watson, (stroke)Ryan Scheurer, (cox)Helen Cahill
  • 2007 3V(Fresh 8) – VSRC-3rd (bow)Zach Fendley, (2)Colin Seamons, (3)Chris Stephens, (4)Sean Readdy, (5)Jason Truesdale, (6)Patrick Lacey, (7)Jack Washington, (stroke)Tom Miotke, (cox)Will Dickenson
  • 2008 3V – VSRC-3rd (bow)Jason Cespedes, (2)Dakota Springston, (3)Chris Stephens, (4)Sean Readdy, (5)Luca Brunner, (6)Richard Hooker, (7)Jason Truesdale, (stroke)Colin Seamens, (cox)Kwabena Stefan
  • 2008 WFresh 8 – Ted Phoenix-1st
  • 2009 W3V – VASRC 2nd
  • 2009 WFresh 8 – Ted Phoenix-3rd
  • 2009 M4V – Ted Phoenix-2nd (bow)Chris Stevens, (2)Dakota Springston, (3)Ricky Bayliff, (4)Matt Whibley, (5)Jason Cespedes, (6)Jon Banks, (7)Ben Yatt, (stroke)Connor Lay, (cox)Timmy Jenkins


  • 2010 M 2V – VASRA-3rd(bow)Abin Dahal, (2)Nathan Heinzman, (3)Chris Stephens, (4)Alex Beranek, (5)Teddy Powell, (6)Chris Lent, (7)Brendan Killalea, (stroke)John Pastre, (cox)Timmy Jenkins
  • 2010 M 3V – Ted Phoenix-2nd
  • 2012 M V8 – VASRA-2nd, (bow)Teddy Powell, (2)Alex Beranek, (3)Noah King, (4)Joe Crandall, (5)Grayson Steigler, (6)Chris Lent, (7)Abin Dahal, (stroke)Andrew Heinzman, (cox)Timmy Jenkins, (coach) Derek Parsons
  • 2012 M 2V – VASRA-3rd,(bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), (cox)
  • 2013 M V8 – VASRA- 2nd,(bow)  , (2), (3), (4)Noah King, (5)Grayson Stiegler, (6) , (7) , (stroke) Andrew Heinzman, (cox), (coach) Derek Parsons
  • 2013 M 2V – VASRA-,(bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), (cox)
  • 2014 M JV8 – Stotesbury-3rd, Nationals- 2nd (bow)Kelly Quinlin, (2)Garret Janson, (3)Chris Stephens, (4)Nathanial Grevase, (5)Grayson Steigler, (6)Ian Estavo, (7)Andrew Hunt, (stroke)Gabe Toth, (cox)Noah Kenedy, (coach) Derek Parsons
  • 2014 M 2V – VASRA-3rd,(bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), (cox) Ariel Pizzamagilio, (coach) Rob Shaw
  • 2014 M Frosh8 – Ted Phoenix Championships-3rd,(bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), (cox) Spencer, (coach) Wilson De Souza
  • 2014 W Novice 8 – Ted Phoenix Championships-1st,(bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), Shae Niblack (cox), (coach) Jess Ward
  • 2015 M V8 – VASRA- 2nd, (bow) , (2), (3)Garret Janson, (4)Ian Estavo, (5)Grayson Steigler, (6)Nathaniel Grevase, (7)Andrew Hunt, (stroke)Gabe Toth, (cox) Noah Kenedy, (coach) Derek Parsons
  • 2015 M JV8 – VASRA- 3rd, (bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), (cox) Spencer, (coach) Jim Owen
  • 2015 W Novice 8 – Ted Phoenix Championships-1st,(bow) , (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (stroke), (cox) Juliette Jaques, (coach) Craig Spraggins/Jenn Young
  • 2016 M FR8 VASRA- 1st, (bow)Eli Karush, (2)James White, (3)Samuel Sharp, (4)Zachary Stone, (5)William Johnson, (6)Nathaniel Estevao, (7)Joseph Bannon, (stroke)Alex Canfield, (cox)Connor Quinn, (coach)Wilson De Souza
  • 2017 W Frosh 8 – VASRA-3rd (b) Shaelyn Dempsey, (2) Lilly Lough, (3)Ellis Fried, (4)Ava Canfield, (5)Ellie Walsh, (6) Paige Wheeler, (7)Claire Schulte, (s)Chloe Slater, (c)Jianna Ursitti, (Coach) Gwen Sully
  • 2017 W 3v 8 – VASRA- 3rd (b)Kara Probasco, (2)Regina Czerewko, (3)Leigh Lennon, (4)Isabella Gant, (5)Reilly Halvorsan, (6)Tess Webster, (7)Sophie Wheelock, (s)Anne Low, (c)Julliette Jacques, (Coach) Suzanne Elliott
  • 2017 W Jv8 – Stotesbury Cup- 3rd (bow) Kate Cobey, (2) Lauren Graft, (3)Cecilia Panfil, (4)Chloe Posner, (5)Fiona Cronin, (6)Aidan Wrenn-Walz, (7)Charlotte Howard, (s)Ellie Shaker, (c)Kayla Ehrlich, (Coach) Craig Spraggins/George Kirschbaum
  • 2018 W 2v VASRA- 2nd (bow)Sarah Aguirre, (2)Paige Wheeler, (3)Reilly Halvorson, (4)Kate Cobey, (5)Chloe Posner, (6)Eleanor Walsh, (7)Cecilia Panfil, (s)Aidan Wrenn-Walz, (c)Kayla Ehrlich, (Coach)Dane Underwood
  • 2018 W V8 – VASRA- 2nd (bow)Shaelyn Dempsey, (2)Anne Low, (3)Lily Loughney, (4)Ava Canfield, (5)Claire Schulte, (6)Isabel Mondshine, (7)Catherine Ashley, (s)Chloe Slater, (c)Annabelle Bailey, (Coach)Dane Underwood
  • 2018 W Jr 8 CSSRA’s 3rd (bow)Lily Loughney, (2)Ava Canfield, (3)Shae Dempsey, (4)Isabel Mondshine, (5)Eleanor Walsh, (6)Paige Wheeler, (7)Claire Shulte, (s)Chloe Slater, (c)Jianna Ursitti, (Coach)Dane Underwood
  • 2019 W FR8 – VASRA- 1st (bow)Rachel Herrity, (2)Katherine Brennan, (3)Rebecca Schaaf, (4)Anika Tripathi, (5)Katrine D’ltri, (6)Emily Engelken, (7)Vera Cullen, (stroke)Amina Luvsanchultem, (c)Abigail Herrada, (Coach)Lauren Griffin, Breana Downey
  • 2019 M 3V – VASRA- 1st (bow)Henry Hubbard, (2)Vikram Srinivasan, (3)Peter VanderPoel, (4)Gregory Ettelt, (5)Noah Mendieta, (6)Henry Olson, (7)Paul Browne, (stroke)Victor Cummins, (c)Amelia Meldrum, (Coach)Bob Sheppard
  • 2019 W V8 – VASRA- 1st (bow)Ava Canfield , (2)Paige wheeler, (3)Reilly Halvorson, (4)Isabel Mondshine, (5)Anne Low, (6)Kate Cobey, (7)Eleanor Walsh, (stroke)Aidan Wrenn-Walz, (c)Jianna Ursitti (Coach) Dane Underwood


  • 2020 – season canceled due to COVID-19
  • 2021 W 3V 8 – VASRA 1st (bow)Nicole Kim, (2)Aurora Stankow-Mercer, (3)Ava Barnett, (4)Julie Audi, (5)Rowan Watson, (6)Katherine Brennan, (7)Emma Abramson, (stroke)June Anderson, (c)Anika Tripathi
  • 2022 M 4x – VASRA-3rd (bow)Colin Canfield, (2)Alex Rosello, (3)Luke Mingus, (stroke)Jake Lanier, (Coach) Bob Sheppard ’73
  • 2022 M Adaptive 2x – Stotesbury – (bow)Kimble Ettelt, (stroke)Cole Hundelt, (Coach) Patrick Johnson

Many thanks to George Kirschbaum ’87, former W-L coxswain and coach, for documenting W-L Crew’s rich history.

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