Requirements for Participation


Each rower and coxswain pays dues. The dues are determined by the Boosters Executive Board. Dues must be paid before the beginning of the spring season. Athletes are not allowed on the water until dues are paid.

Dues waivers or scholarships can be granted for financial need. If a scholarship is requested, then parents must contact the Booster President. Again, no rower will be allowed on the water until dues have been paid or a partial or full scholarship has been arranged.

Checks should be made payable to W-L Crew Boosters, Inc. and can be mailed to W-L Crew Boosters, P.O. Box 50611, Arlington, VA 22205. Payment can also be made online through the Fund W-L Crew website, but there is a $20 transaction fee.

Full payment of dues is a critical component of our obligation to the crew program. For more information, visit the Dues & Fundraising page.


The fundraising obligations are determined by the Boosters Executive Board. All rowers must meet their fundraising commitments. If a rower does not meet his or her fundraising obligation, parents will be required to pay for the shortfall. No athlete will be allowed to participate in regattas unless all fundraising requirements have been met.  

Fundraising requires only time and effort by students. Fundraising activities include mulch sales, wreath sales,  friend and family appeal, and an alumni appeal. Fundraisers are organized by the Fundraising Coordinator with support from parents.

Swim Tests

Only novice rowers are required to take the swim test. The test consists of three laps of the W-L pool using any stroke with no time limit, but the swim must be completed without stopping and be followed by one minute treading water. The swim test is done in full sweats. Rowers must pass a swim test to participate in the program. 


Most years, selected members of W-L Crew travel to Philadelphia for the Stotesbury Cup Regatta and stay two nights. Some years members also compete in the SRAA “Nationals.” Regatta at a location in the Eastern half of the country. Out-of-town regattas require additional expenses for each rower’s travel.


Rowers purchase their uniforms, or “unisuit,” which is the only required clothing purchase. Vendor and purchasing instructions are shared by the coaches early in the spring.


Parents/Guardians are required to help at regattas and other events throughout the season. Volunteer sign-ups begin at the February season kick-off booster meeting and are offered throughout the season. Most volunteer positions do not require special training, are fun, and help you learn more about rowing. Advanced training will be provided for some regatta volunteer positions. If you have questions about how parents/guardians can be involved in and support crew, contact any of the Crew Booster Executive Board members at any time. Names and contact information are on this web site.

Time Commitment

Crew requires substantial skill development, team building, and conditioning. The team requires that all athletes commit to come to practice every day and attend all regattas; each coach and athlete depends on the other athletes’ active and steady participation. As special situations arise, please communicate directly with your athlete’s coach as early as possible about any unavoidable absence.

Spring Break

We row as much as we can during spring break. The coaches ask that you plan your schedules so that the athletes are available during this time. We understand that, for new rowers, commitments may already have been made. Please communicate with your coach as soon as possible about any planned spring break conflicts.